Topics Related to Artifact of the Month

The histories, stories, and legends told about such notorious pirates as Blackbeard can give the impression that the

Knowing the history of Queen Anne’s Revenge, it is unsurprising that archaeologists have found examples of one of the

QAR1274.013, known to lab staff as C25, is quite the standout piece from the usual QAR artillery assemblage.

When we left off last month, we shared the mysterious story of the QAR breech blocks. This month, the story continues…

As you may know if you have been following the story of Queen Anne’s Revenge

We never know what we will find when x-raying a

Naval warfare was a particularly bloody affair when it came down to trading blows, and pirate crews used every form of projecti

As you have been reading along, you have probably come to understand how important

It may surprise you that despite all of our combined expertise and research connections worldwide, some artifacts

Thoughts of piracy evoke visions of vessels and men armed to the teeth. Until recently, weapons from QAR were primarily represented by large artillery.