Topics Related to Cultural Resources (DCR)

Texas A&M Nautical Archaeology Program student Angela talks about interning at the QAR Lab this summer as well as her previous conservation experience in various labs.

Meagan shares what she learned during a 5-week internship in summer 2023

Besty shares her experiences interning in our lab

This month's artifact started out as a mysterious and hotly debated object. After several years, we can finally put the mystery to rest with a positive identification.

Tenesha shares her experiences interning at the QAR Lab under the HBCU/MIHE internship opportunity

Former QAR Conservator and artillery expert Erik Farrell shares his observations on our collection of Swedish 1-pounder cannon

We reflect on the last year and all of the milestones we accomplished

Luke talks about his journey from school to grad school to the US Coast Guard

Several medical instruments have been discovered on the shipwreck, including a cautery iron.

Join us for a Saturday Tour!